Dear Universe! You assured me again that you love me. Thank you.

The moment I finished my article about a rainbow and accepted the demise of my father, I saw a double rainbow stretching through the sky. I screamed like a little girl and went upstairs to see it thoroughly.

My daughter followed me and was so thrilled to see me jolly. She pinched me and herself to make sure it was not a dream.

It was a twenty-eight minute long rainbow. It was beaming from one mountain to another and looking at me with affection. I was smiling from one ear to another and cherished every second till it vanished. I can’t thank you enough, universe.

After my father, if I can share my feelings openly to anyone, it is you, universe. Thank you for revealing your love to me through a double rainbow and affirming me you are always with me. Thank you and I love you too.

Tell my dad that I love him and miss him. I can’t see him anymore, but I can feel your love through a rainbow, rain, clouds, stars, and everything else which I admire. Please keep showering your love on me, my confidant universe.

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